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P3 evelopment Model

P3:  A Model  For Interaction of The P2 Model With The Cooperation P1 Model.

Aboubakar YARI1: Venus1 YARI: And Myra YARI2



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR
  2. Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation



We propose a model for interaction of the Biotech tropicana Systems P2 development model with the cooperation-government P1 model: the P3 model.  Our P3 model classified cooperation into s5x bodies: The United Nations, The United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Any candidate for cooperation must fit within one the six categories to secure accreditation. A cooperation candidate that cannot fit within a category is excluded from accreditation. Our P3 model permits a cooperation candidate to freely move from one category to another, but does not permit a stand alone candidate to operate with the cooperation framework.  Our P3 model aims to streamline cooperation activities for the purpose of maximizing benefits for all parties by minimizing time and resources invested toward diplomatic alignment and maximizing time and resources invested toward development objectives.    

Keywords: P1, P2, P3: Cooperation Models: Global Development:



By far the United States (US)  and the United Nations (UN)  are the biggest donors to the developing world. They have the best structured development plans for the developing world, and cause the least damage to development objectives in developing countries.

Furthermore, The United States is a major contributor  toward the United Nations; placing the United States at the forefront of development assistance for developing countries. Our  P3 model classified the United States as a major contributor (M) category. Intermediary contributor countries are classified as (I) category, and minor contributor countries are classified as (N) category.  Contribution is described in terms of cash contribution (C), knowledge contribution (K), and negative contribution (D) as damage to development gains or basis of development objectives, expressed as:

DG = (C+K)-D, where DG stands for development gains.

A detailed protocol for defining DG, C, K, and D is available at Sabic Consulting, Inc. SMARTP3, is  a quick development gain measurement tool made in the Biotech tropicana Systems. A computerized version of SMARTP3 is under development at Biotech tropicana,IncFACILITATOR.

The Biotech tropicana Systems are a private Biotech company that is strictly closed to foreign aid. The company is developed applying a proprietary knowledge driven economy model. Time applied toward knowledge generation and internal resources applied toward operational activities, are the main development driven assets of the company. We previously described proprietary P1 and P2 development process product models innovated by the Biotech tropicana Systems. Here, we describe a P3 development model for interactions of the Biotech tropicana Systems with in country P1 models, in developing countries.



We predict that our SMARTP3 tool may have applications in numerous areas of development trends in developing countries; including parameters such as development gains, advancement, negative contribution. We analyze for outcome of development related activities, and not for net contribution of a country. Positive outcome is expressed as development gains, and negative outcome is expressed as negative development gains.

We argue that in the post millennium development business, accreditation to development operators in developing countries should be linked to performance in terms of contribution in positive development gains. Operators with positive development gains should be empowered. Those that demonstrate negative contribution should be barred from operating through accreditation suspensions, and in the worst scenarios through deportations.  Deportations of negative development operators were previously demonstrated to produce a positive impact on development gains and attitudes of those who are not deported, in the post 1972 development revolution in Benin republic.

To minimize waste of time and resources in diplomatic alignments, and create conditions for devoting more time nd resources to development oriented activities, our SMARTP3 model subdivided development partners into six major groups: The 1) United Nations, 2) the United States, 3) Africa, 4) Asia, 5) Europe, and 6) the Americas.  A development partner must fit within a group to be considered for accreditation. Our P3 model permit interactivities between groups but development gains are always measured within the assigned group on accreditation.  (Figure x).

We innovate a set of simplified processes ad tools for    a quick assessment of development related activities in developing countries, The P1, P2, and P3 development models, made in the Biotech tropicana Systems.  The tools are available at Sabic Consulting, Inc. The tools are developed primarily for internal use, but are designed to be extensible for applications beyond the  Biotech tropicana Systems to country level.

The P1 model was born in the 1960s in line with the emergence of new African states as accreditation awards to former European settlers.  At the dawn of new millennium in 2000, new millennium development models emerge. The millennium models criticized the P1 model for poor performance. Our P1, P2, and P3 models are applicable in development performance assessment.  We argue that in the post millennium development trends, cooperation accreditation protocols need to be revised for performance criteria in awarding and sustaining accreditation privileges for cooperation candidates. Candidates with good performance should be empowered and candidates with poor performance should be excluded, to promote development.



We described our P3 development model for guiding interactions with the P1 in country government-cooperation development model.  P3 is with P1 and P2, a set of processes and tools made in the Biotech tropicana Systems for a quick assessment of development related activities in developing countries.



[1] A. YARI; V. YARI; and M. YARI. P1, P2 Development Models. Biotech tropicana Systems. At http://btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/publ/biotech_tropicana_journal_1_6_1_2016/1-1-0-67



Selected development scenarios in developing countries.

  1. The made in the Biotech tropicana Systems car make platform: The Negro brand series of Tropicana General Technologies, Inc.

NEGRO Home Visitor

NEGRO Offspring

NEGRO Patriot

The cars are conceived to be adapted to the conditions of the  developing world. The systems are at advanced prototype stage. The Biotech tropicana Systems value advancement as progress toward the finished product: a production line.

By experience working in developing countries, many developing countries will value a donation or purchase of car as finished product, over a car production line:  a  consumption line.

Such  development trends makes many developing countries consumers and not producers.

LINKS: http://bthealth.ucoz.com/publ/smartmobiileprototypes/1-1-0-16



  1. The Light and Water adjustments scenarios in Benin republic

A water and light adjustment program in Benin republic is a paradigm of negative contribution in development assistance.  The authors have access to in house light and water since the 1980s. A government-cooperation (P1) water and light system adjustment program makes water and light not accessible.  The adjustment program takes over the all water and light system.  Small businesses in the community that cannot afford alternative  light source are suffering serious economic losses because of the take over. Alternative water sources such as traditional holes have been abandoned or damaged based on promises of ‘running water to all’ through the adjustment program, just to suffer constant water shortage because of system closing.

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (11.21.2016)
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