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Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR (BTL) is the international trade regulation coordination unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
BTL aims to innovate  processes and systems,to promote  international trade regulation in  the  the resource-poor settings.
BTL manage contracts, agreements, and litigations for the Biotech tropicana Systems.
The Founders
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Biotech tropicana Systems
Global Coordination Unit:
Washington DC, USA
Incubation Sites:
Arusha, Tanzania,, African Union

"….Money that is not accompanied by legal and economic reform are oftentimes wasted....In many poor nations, corruption runs deep. Private property is unprotected. Markets are closed. Monetary and fiscal policies are unsustainable. Private contracts are unenforceable.... When nations refuse to enact sound policies, progress against poverty is nearly impossible. In these situations, more aid money can actually be counterproductive, because it subsidizes bad policies, delays reform, and crowds out private investment…When governments fail to meet the most basic needs of their people, these failed states can become havens for terror. Many of the old models of economic development assistance are outdated... Today, I call for a new compact for global development, defined by new accountability for both rich and poor nations alike . 
George W. BUSH, For The United States Millennium Challenge Corporation
"...This is the reality we must face -- that if the international community just keeps doing the same things the same way, we may make some modest progress here and there, but we will miss many development goals. That is the truth....We also recognize, though, that the old ways will not suffice.... Now, let me be clear, the United States of America has been, and will remain, the global leader in providing assistance. We will not abandon those who depend on us for life-saving help..... But the purpose of development -- what’s needed most right now -- is creating the conditions where assistance is no longer needed. So we will seek partners who want to build their own capacity to provide for their people. We will seek development that is sustainable.....In other words, we’re making it clear that we will partner with countries that are willing to take the lead. Because the days when your development was dictated by foreign capitals must come to an end... "
Barack OBAMA,
For The United States Global Development Policy
"... The Biotech tropicana Systems will provide technical assistance to goverments of poor nations that are willing to take the lead, by enacting sound policies, and wisely  investing aid money in their people...Here we must make clear, that failed governments in failed states are not eligible to collaborate with Biotech tropicana Community, or any other entity of the Biotech tropicana Systems..."
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, For the Biotech tropicana Systems 
" VOTING RULES at BTS: You Must Register to Vote, Foreigners DO NOT Vote in the Biotech tropicana Systems."
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI,



Unit Development Model P2



Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR is the litigation and records technology innovation incubator of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

Incubation Authority: Title 4, Article 8)1)b of the constitution of the Biotech tropicana Systems. City court, 0047/ref 001/08/2008/Kandi, dated 01/08/2008, Kandi, Benin republic, African Union.

Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR is a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems.